I'm not sure where to even start with this one but thanks to Dave Lewis over at FIKA for the links.
Buster Martin is a complete Rockstar in our books. He is training to run the London Marathon and is hoping to break a world record by being the oldest person to complete a marathon. (Article here.) If he does it he will have beaten it by 8 years!!! He's 101 years old. This guy also fought off three guys trying to mug him when he was 100! I'm telling you, he is Rockstar!
So if you needed some motivation to start or continue running I hope Buster's life has provided some. It has for me! I'm off to do my 13 mile training run for Nashville now!
I'll leave you with a priceless quote from Mr. Martin.
“If I finish, I’ll do what I always do and have a pint and a fag,” he said. “People ask what is my secret but I haven’t got one. They say fags and booze are bad for you—but I’m still here, aren’t I?”